I'm a well known Linux Snob, so this won't come as a surprise for those who know me, but I just can't resist the chance to gloat about free software.
Anyway, so the computer's acting a little screwy lately. Files freezing, old stuff that won't delete, etc. Yesterday it escalates to a full scale freeze whenever one attempts to open D:\downloads. Since this folder is under pretty constant read/write load, I spose it makes sense that it'd be the first to go.
Anyway, windows was goddamn helpless to fix it. Disk check puked, safe mode couldn't even see the drive.
Luckily, a
badass little bird came to my rescue. I'm in the middle of a good ol fsck right now. Afternoon delight.
Anyway, I hadn't had cause to download the new ubuntu CD yet. It. Is. Goddamn. Slick.
Seriously, if you've ever thought to yourself "goddamn it windows, what the hell?" do yourself a favor and
try it out It'll take you under an hour to download and you can play around with it all you like before you decide to install or not.
Free as in awesome.