Ryan's self important blathering

Monday, August 11, 2008

Dear everyone

dear members of the internet:

You know that thing where you "cough" as you say a word, and it sounds as though you are being sneaky about the word you are saying, though the whole thing is really just for comic effect?

You know what I mean.

Anyway, this particular humor device does not work in text. At all. There's no way to convey this textually. So quit trying. If I have to read *cough*funnything*cough* one more time my mind grapes are gonna burst.
|| Ryan Ricard, 7:05 AM || link || (0) comments |

Monday, August 4, 2008

Elizabeth, it's still up

It's not often that I perpetuate the "youtube poop" thing, but damn. If I were drinking milk when I saw this, it would have become nose milk quite quickly.

EDIT: OK, the part at the end is fake, but who cares.
|| Ryan Ricard, 8:19 PM || link || (0) comments |